Home Digital Fact Video Game High School levels up to Indiegogo to fund its third...

Video Game High School levels up to Indiegogo to fund its third season


Crowd-funding isn’t necessarily the solution for every creator looking to make content on their own terms. But if you have serious production experience and a fan base that wants to see what you’re putting out, then you want to take a few cues from Freddie Wong, Matt Arnold and the team behind the record-breaking Video Game High School.

VGHS is currently raising money from its fans for a third season of the series, which takes place in an alternate universe where “professional video gaming becomes the biggest spectator sport in the world,” and students train for ultimate domination.

It’s a premise that’s proven to have serious legs — the first season running approximately 140 minutes in total, and the second season totaling at approximately three hours — and in the video promoting the campaign, Wong and Arnold (who co-direct the series) hint that while this will be the final season for the show, it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of VGHS as a franchise.

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Source: GigaOm.com


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