Home Digital Fact Get ready to 3D print carbon nanotube-reinforced objects

Get ready to 3D print carbon nanotube-reinforced objects


We can already 3D print using carbon fiber, fiberglass or chocolate. Now, add carbon nanotubes to the list. Year-old Silicon Valley-based startup Arevo announced today it will offer carbon nanotube-reinforced filament.

Carbon nanotubes are made of rolled-up, atom-thick sheets of carbon (also known as graphene) and can be used as an additive to boost an object’s strength. They are also conductive, which means they could be used to print items that can conduct electricity. Arevo is also offering carbon fiber-reinforced filament, ultra-tough plastic PEEK and other polymers.

The startup is also offering software and a 3D printer head optimized to work with the special filaments…

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Source: GigaOm.com


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