Home Digital Fact Why Samsung Designs Its Phones Differently Than Apple

Why Samsung Designs Its Phones Differently Than Apple

Cirullo - Il Fatto Digitale da Business Insider

At Apple’s developers conference last year, it showed a video before it introduced its radical new design for iOS, the operating system for iPhones and iPads.

The video centered around the theme that “there are a thousand no’s for every yes” when Apple designs its products.

The video implied that even though there are thousands of ideas flowing through Apple when it creates new stuff, it’s incredibly picky about what it ends up producing.

That’s always been a common theme for Apple when it designs its products. The theory is “we know what’s best for the user” and that’s what the user gets. It’s also part of the reason why the iPhone is still much smaller than its top competitors and why it took so long to finally release an iPad Mini. Apple likes to take its time perfecting a concept before it releases it to the public.

Meanwhile, Apple’s biggest rival in mobile devices, Samsung, is often criticized for seemingly never saying no. Instead, it seems like Samsung is willing to try anything and everything when designing products and hoping something sticks. It then tries to perfect what works in the next model. Last year’s flagship Galaxy S4 phone, which came with a bunch of features like touchless gestures and a zillion different camera modes that frustrated users, is a perfect example.

So, the question is, why does Samsung try to pack so much into its hardware and software design while its competitors like Apple and HTC stick to what they know?

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Source: BusinessInsider.com


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